Best Practices For Hiring Your Sports Massage Therapist
Best Practices For Hiring Your Sports Massage Therapist
Blog Article
Sports Massage and Its Impact on Mental Health
Often viewed solely through the lens of physical recovery and injury prevention, Sports massage has significant impacts on the body’s mental health. In fact, a healthy mind is just as important to athletes as the physical preparation and training they undergo.
The regular manipulation of muscles during a massage causes the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for a number of positive psychological effects including mood enhancement and relaxation.
Stress Reduction
When athletes ramp up training or prepare for competitions, stress levels may build up and lead to tightness in muscles. This can result in discomfort, a reduction in range of motion, and possibly injury.
Sports massage techniques can help improve flexibility, ease muscle stiffness and reduce injury risk. Massage also increases blood flow, breaks up adhesions (sticky tissue) and encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers.
Regular sports massage can support the physical demands of rigorous training schedules and competitive events by reducing the risk of injuries, promoting optimal muscle function and improving soft tissue resilience. Incorporating self-care practices, such as foam rolling, stretching and mobility exercises, hydration, nutrient-rich fuel, rest, and recovery, can enhance the benefits of sports massage for a healthier athlete. Ultimately, regular massage can promote relaxation and improve mental health and performance. This is especially true for youth athletes who can benefit from stress reduction strategies to support their development and optimize performance.
Anxiety Relief
The soothing touch and manipulation of muscles during sports massage releases the body's natural 'feel good' chemicals, endorphins and serotonin. These hormones reduce the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. They also increase blood flow to the tissues and facilitate the elimination of waste products, thus reducing muscle soreness and allowing tissue repair.
Performing physical activity puts stress on the muscles and tendons, which can cause micro-tears. These tears are accompanied by the build-up of metabolic waste, which can inhibit muscle function and lead to injury. Regular sports massage reduces this build-up, increasing the efficiency of the muscle's recovery process.
A pre-event sports massage can be used to warm up the muscles, boost circulation and prepare the athlete for a performance. It usually consists of techniques like effleurage, friction and vibration (or tapotement). A pre-event sports massage is also known as dynamic stretching.
Mood Enhancement
Often, sports massage is used to alleviate muscle soreness, but it also has the order massage rollers online ability to boost the mood. This may be the result of breaking down adhesions, stimulating blood circulation or removing lactic acid.
Regular sessions can help athletes maintain focus and a positive outlook on their training regimes. They can also help improve the quality of their sleep by reducing cortisol levels, which is a key stress hormone.
Whether it is a mental health issue or simply a busy lifestyle, the effects of a sports massage can be life-changing. By triggering the parasympathetic nervous system within our bodies, massage stimulates the ‘rest and digest’ response and enables the body to release feel good hormones like endorphins and oxytocin. This can then help to tackle underlying issues such as anxiety and depression. By improving mood, athletes can be more confident and clear in their thinking to perform at the best of their ability. This is especially important in performance based environments such as sport or work.
Stress Management
Sports massage stimulates the autonomic nervous system encouraging a release of positive hormones including endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters relieve anxiety, prevent depression and promote a sense of well-being. When these chemicals are not balanced in the body a person may experience stress, anxiety and mood swings. Massage encourages the production of these hormones to relieve a person’s feelings of stress and anxiety and improve their mood significantly.
When muscles are tight and knotty they restrict movement and can lead to pain and stiffness in other areas of the body. The deep friction techniques of a sports massage break down these adhesions, which allows muscles, ligaments and tendons to move freely. This helps to reduce tension, prevents injuries and enhances performance levels.